Connecting the Canadian Jewish Community with Israel
Lier la communauté juive canadienne à l’Israël
מחברים את הקהילה היהודית בקנדה לישראל

Celebration75 continues all year!

Niagara Falls Canada - Photo by Ronen Israelski, PerspectivesTv

Calgary City Hall - photo taken by Adam Silver, CEO of Calgary Jewish Federation

Vaughan City Hall - Photo from City of Vaughan

Queen’s Park, Toronto

Vaughan City Hall

Toronto City Hall
NEW from the David Matlow Collection
To celebrate Israel’s 75th birthday, our member, David Matlow of Toronto, Canada has selected 75 artifacts from his personal collection of Zionist and Herzl memorabilia and shared them in a new book, 75 Treasures: Celebrating Israel at Seventy-Five. The pages of the book are filled with photos and stories of these inspiring items, and the book challenges each of us to add our own page to Israel’s continuing story.
This 48-page publication contains many pieces from the world-renowned Matlow Collection that will help add context to the story of Israel's miraculous journey from concept to country.
The download is free.

We have commissioned a limited edition commemorative "challenge coin" to mark this important event!

Reports on the 125th Zionist Congress may be found here.

2022 MERCAZ-Canada / FJMC Anshai Zafon Weekend Conference
We were joined by Dr. Yizhar Hess, Vice-Chair, WZO, and Shiran Yahav, Jewish Peoplehood & Israel-Diaspora relations at the World Zionist Organization.
Canadian Foundation for Masorti Judaism - Make a donation
The Masorti Movement in Israel is a pluralistic, religious movement in Israel affiliated with Masorti/ Conservative Judaism around the world. The Canadian Foundation for Masorti Judaism supports the work of the Masorti Movement in Israel which promotes scholarship, Zionism and religious tolerance and pluralism within the context of modern Israeli society. The Foundation raises funds to support Masorti programmes in Israel through the Movement and in its synagogue centres. Your donation helps to ensure that our work may continue.
If you would like to make a donation, please use this button:
Join MERCAZ-Canada today!
Annual membership is available to all Canadians. Your membership includes acceptance of the WZO Jerusalem Program, details may be found here. Your membership information is subject to our privacy policy which may be found on the Privacy Policy page.