July 7 2023 / 18 Tamuz 5783
Newsflash - A Bible Contest for Adults
The World Zionist Organization is sponsoring an International Bible Contest for adults.
For information, please see the attached PDF and the website: https://www.wzo.org.il/department/enterprises/bible-q/en
If you're interested in participating, contact Rabbi Gorman at sgorman@masorti-mercaz.ca
Adult Bible Contest Invitation 2023
we are excited to invite you to take part and promote the exciting event of the International Bible Contest for adults. Men and women age 21 and older are invited to participate in the contest that will be held in Israel on Hanukkah 5784 / 2023, celebrating the country's 75th year of independence. The contest aims to promote the importance of studying the Bible and the special value it brings to Jewish communities around the world, while strengthening the relationship with the State of Israel.
The contest this year will once again take place in partnership between the Ministry of Education and the World Zionist Organization. beyond delving into the sources of Judaism, studying the Bible is also an opportunity to explore the history, foundations and customs of the Jewish people from all backgrounds. Through the contest, we hope to promote these values and deepen our connection with our heritage and culture.
The first stage of the contest will be held online and will include questions about the content of the Bible and its main personalities. Contestants will be given more than a month to prepare, and we are certain that you will enjoy this exciting experience and the knowledge you will acquire during study.
We invite you, your families, your community and your friends to register now and start studying in order to prepare for this exciting contest. This is the time to deepen your knowledge of the Bible, participate in a meaningful event and compete with international participants from among our people.
We are convinced that this contest will advance the values of Jewish culture and heritage, support a stronger connection between various communities around the world and contribute to the relationship with the State of Israel. This is an opportunity to show the strength and ability of your community and turn the central values of Judaism into reality. Do not miss the opportunity to participate in the contest.
The first stage will take place online on Sunday the 19th of Av, 5783 / August 6, 2023.
For more information and registration, click here:
Get Involved
You can read more of what MERCAZ and Masorti are doing at our website:
You can contribute to our efforts by joining MERCAZ-Canada and by donating to the Canadian Foundation for Masorti Judaism.
Membership is only $18 a year for adults, $9 for youth up to age 25.
mercaz.ca/join-mercaz at the bottom of the page
Donations to CFMJ are eligible for a tax receipt.

MERCAZ-Canada * Canadian Foundation for Masorti Judaism
55 Yeomans Road, Toronto, ON M3H 3J7
mercaz.ca * masorti.ca * 416-667-1717